Welcome to Altheus Infrared!!!!!

29 years professional thermography experience



Oil Filled Transformer - cooling fins blocked
Disconnect switch - hot knife switch

Loose connections, internal faults and overloaded circuits, bad wires are just some of the issues that thermal imaging excels at documenting.  Our IR photographic experience ensures that these and many more issues will be found. 

Our thermal images come complete with temperature information, temperature scales, regions of interest and more... the information your engineering staff requires to make informed decisions on repairs.

Contactor - Loose overload connections

Indoor electrical motor control centers, outdoor power distribution systems... we have the equipment and experience to scan it all.  Three high resolution IR camera detectors (640x480, 320x240 & 384x288), wide angle lenses for close-up work & 50mm lenses to zoom in on distance work.

Cut-out with broken gate

This IR image of a broken cut-out was generated with our lowest resolution 320x240 pixel count imager.  But, good optics, a steady hand and excellent imaging skills means you still get a high quality image!

We are well trained to use airborne ultrasound to locate and record corona discharge and tracking on electrical gear over 4160V.  Again, just the information your engineers need to keep your facility up and running.

Our surveys include a list of components, report photo pages  in both printed and electronic format and a quick reference summary of our findings.

Exterior surveys of substations, distribution systems, transmission systems, transformers, etc. are performed using one of Altheus Infrared's 6 longwave imaging systems.  No need to worry about solar reflections or false heating if you use the appropriate equipment.  Our cameras automatically locate the Max temperature and generate the sharpest pictures.  The incremental zoom helps the thermographer bring the work up close.  And, the larger pixel count of our infrared cameras means more accurate temperatures along with a better photograph.

Contact Us
Inspection Services - By Customer Type
House Scan - Insulation Page
Infrared Application List
Mechanical Surveys
Universal Joints
Insulation & Air Infiltration
Flat Roof Surveys
Roofs: Built-up
Mechanical - Fluid Flow
Moisture Detection
High Temp Insulation
Grouted Cells: Block Walls
Airborne Ultrasound
Steam Leaks
Steam Traps & Valves, Etc.
Steam Lines - Buried
Walk-on Steam Surveys
Moisture Meter
IR Transparent Windows
Rubber coupling - misalignment
Bad strand in Elec Cable
Rope Sheave Bearings - grease issue
Control wire - loose connection
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