Welcome to Altheus Infrared!!!!!

29 years professional thermography experience

Altheus Infrared Service Disclaimer:

Altheus Infrared is an infrared photographic survey company, with more than 19 years experience providing thermal imaging scans.  All infrared surveys for our customers are performed with the understanding that Altheus Infrared is not an engineering company, and therefore, diagnosis of any anomaly is left to the customer.  All thermal images are simply heat photographs and do not show the "cause" of the issue... regardless of the type of survey.  We do our best to provide the most clear, accurate photos available to make that determination as obvious as possible, including temperature information and any background data on the equipment that we can locate during the survey.  Altheus Infrared will not make recommendations as to the cause of the heating or cooling detected in any given situation.  Reports provided to our customers include photo pages (infrared and visual photos) and data on the equipment that is being reported.  Report pages are generated when the thermal signature of a component is such that it contains an unusual heating pattern.

Altheus Infrared Image Copyright Disclaimer:

The images referenced or made accessible on these pages are protected by the copyright and trademark laws of the United States and other countries. Although you are permitted to locate and access the images anywhere on this site, authorization must be obtained from the owner of Altheus Infrared before using them for any purpose other than viewing.

For authorization to use an image, please contact Altheus Infrared.  

Copying images without permission is illegal.









Contact Us
Inspection Services - By Customer Type
House Scan - Insulation Page
Infrared Application List
Mechanical Surveys
Universal Joints
Insulation & Air Infiltration
Flat Roof Surveys
Roofs: Built-up
Mechanical - Fluid Flow
Moisture Detection
High Temp Insulation
Grouted Cells: Block Walls
Airborne Ultrasound
Steam Leaks
Steam Traps & Valves, Etc.
Steam Lines - Buried
Walk-on Steam Surveys
Moisture Meter
IR Transparent Windows
Rubber coupling - misalignment
Bad strand in Elec Cable
Rope Sheave Bearings - grease issue
Control wire - loose connection
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